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TV Reality Plan

The P rodigy:   Similar to the apprentice but instead it’s a big music producer, this would be a sort of caricature to make fun of the industry. There would a variety of characters who produce different genres of music (this would also be comedic for example one of the characters could be a professional yodeller), they have to compete in various tasks to win a record deal, each week one of them gets kicked off. First trailer could consist of the character introductions as well as a synopsis of the show. The second trailer could consist of a condensed version of the show without exposing the resolution, compelling viewers to watch the show.  Characters: The Big Music Producer: Ricotta Brie – A caricature of the “you’re going to be a big star” type producers in the music industry. A blend of Simon Cowell and Lord Sugar. He will present the synopsis of the show in the first trailer. The contestants: Two we will say this is the final and logistically is just more practical. One cha

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